Sunday, October 31, 2010

Response to Save the Whales, Save the Poop by Camille Rogers

As I was deciding what blog I should write a response on, I wanted to find one that really picked at my brain. As I looked on almost everyones blogs, the most interesting one was our TA's blog, Camille's. Hers was tilted, "Save the Whales, Save the Poop". Now this may seem a little gross when you first read the title, but it truly is an important topic and nothing that should be missed in discussion. I love animals and the sea animals are my favorite. The interactions, and how they live really get me interested and wanting to learn more. So as I saw this title, I knew I had to read about it, and write about it. The article that was linked to her blog, helped me understand more in depth the meaning and importance of whales also.
As I read Camille's post, I cam across the topic of whale hunting. I find whale hunting cruel and that it should not be allowed.  A negative effect if someone would kill a whale is that whales give off nitrogen in the ocean, so if the killing of whales continues to increase, the nitrogen levels will decrease. If the nitrogen levels decrease, that means that there is not as much phytoplakton, which is very needed, on the surface of the oceans. The phytoplakton gives the proper nutrients for fish to live. So as more and more whales are hunted/killed, that means that more and more fish will follow, and die also because they do not have food.
I am very happy with Camille's information, and how helpful and organized she put everything. I totally agree with her blog, and now am even more interested in reading more about whales. I know can talk to people about the ocean and the importance of substances, and animals the ocean has.

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