Monday, November 22, 2010

Demonstration Evaluation

I decided to pick this video because it was a lot like what we had to do in class for demonstration speeches. And from watching all of the ones presented in our class, this one seemed to be the more advanced and organized speeches I have seen. In this video, How to make puppy chow, the student starts off with great energy and gets the viewers to really be grasped on her presentation. She also is very organized. As she is presenting, she starts off with describing why someone should make a snack like puppy chow, and the benefits of eating that snack . She list the steps that someone should do when making puppy chow, and relates the steps to personal stories that the viewers can relate to. She has all her ingredients laid out and ready to access whenever she needs. She starts making the puppy chow. As she starts making it, she continues with her steps and shows the viewers what she is doing at the same time. Once it is all done she shakes the puppy chow up, finalizes the steps, and shows the viewers the final result. She finishes the presentation with a positive swing of describing how someone who makes this has a nutritious, affordable snack ready to go.
As I was viewing this film I noticed a negative point that she had while she was presenting. When she would get nervous she would look down at the table, and start to laugh a little. Which everyone gets nervous when they speak, but she could have handled it in a more professional way. Besides that negative point, this demonstration speech was really organized, and presented well.

Response to Alex Rigsby's blog, "Kool Aid Demonstration Eval"

I am writing a response to Alex Rigsby's blog post on Lori's kool aid demonstration. I first watched the video of Lori demonstrating on how to make kool aid. Right away she grabbed my attention, and I stayed in tuned for the whole video. She did a very good job of grabbing the attention of the audience and keeping them focused. She listed her steps, had all her ingredients out, and explained the purpose and meaning behind them.
After I was done watching the video, I thought to myself what I would say if I had to evaluate that myself and write about it. As I was done thinking, I looked at what Alex responded with. As I began reading it was almost identical to what I was thinking. Alex and I thought very much alike and had the same things to say on the negative and positive aspects of her speech. We both agreed that the beginning was very catchy, and that her steps were easy to follow and could be comprehended well. One thing that I did not like in her speech, was when she stuck her hand in the kool aid. I thought that it was very unprofessional and that no one should do that in a speech. Besides that fact, Alex and I agreed on the same concepts of her speech.
I enjoyed writing these blogs because it made me get to see different people doing different speeches and understand the importance of certain aspects someone has in a speech.