Thursday, December 9, 2010

Response to Brits Blog

When I first started reading Brits blog,, I got hooked right away. She wrote about the same topic as I did, which was abortion. I thought that it would be really interesting to read and respond to hers because it gives me a chance to see and write about what others thoughts are on the topic. Brit had a different view than I did on abortion. We both connected it to ethics and medicine, but we discussed different options also.
In Brits blog she discussed how she knew someone that was in an organization for pro-choice and she explained why her choice, is pro- choice. She made good points and backed them up well. One of her points that I really looked into is the subject if a women gets rapped. When a women gets rapped and becomes pregnant, Brits blog talked about how she has the choice to get rid of the baby, and if she decides to get rid of the baby that is an okay decision. She backed that up with reasoning in that the women would have to look at that child every day and think back to what happened to her. So in a sense overtime when she would look at her child, she would get upset. In this case abortion may be okay in a sense, in my opinion. But still even after readying the article in Brits blog, I still believe that it is a life that is getting taken away and it is wrong. Life is precious and so many people would do anything to get their lives back, or the lives of their family members that they lost back.
I am very thankful that I was assigned this blog post because I not only got to explore and research my own opinion, but I was able to look at someones else's response to abortion, and their view on the whole topic. It opens up my mind to a variety of opinions.

Ethics and Medicine

Abortion is a serious topic in the United States today. Abortion is legal in all fifty states, but not everyone agrees with it. The conflict is that some agree with abortion, and some do not for various reasons. Some think that it is the women’s right to have a choice if she should have the baby or not, and some say that it was the women’s choice to have sexual intercourse that lead to her being pregnant so she needs to have the baby and understand that she put this on herself. I don’t think either side is misrepresented and both sides are clearly stated.
            An online article that I found was, Reading the article it stated pros and cons for abortion and the reasoning behind the topic. The one that presents the most compelling argument in my opinion, is most of unplanned pregnancies if extended to childbirth may prove to be wanted later. This means that at the time the women may not want to have a child, but later down the road she may wish that she would have went through it and not have had an abortion. This one hit me the most, because all I can think about is that child who is in the womb could have been a huge impact to our society. Meaning, this child could have found the cure for a disease, or this child could have saved a life down the road. Everyone is born with a gift or gifts, and this child did not even get the opportunity to act upon their gifts. Mothers could have these thoughts running in their heads as well, and then they feel depressed and sad about their decision.
            Another topic that I found that was for abortion was the one that deals with if the mother is in danger. If the mother is in danger then, this article stated that it was okay for her to have an abortion because her life was at risk.  This argument I find compelling because if the women is at risk, there is no sense for two life’s to be guaranteed a loss. So in this case the women’s choice to have the baby or not is in a sense okay, in my opinion.